Did Your Pet Go Number 1 or Number 2 in the Carpet? Here is What You Can Do.

No matter how much you love Fido or Fifi, sometimes they leave behind a smelly “present” in the house for you to clean up. It’s bad enough when it’s on a hard surface, but what if it gets on your carpet or rug? 

When faced with dealing with your pet’s number 1 or number 2 on the carpet or rug, here is what you can do:

#1. Immediately remove as much of the pet urine and poop as possible.

It’s a gross job, but it’s gotta be done. When you catch your animal in the act of peeing or smell the affects later, stop what you’re doing and use an absorbent rag to soak up as much of the liquid as possible (we recommend wearing gloves to protect your hands). When an animal first pees, the pH is lower, and the longer you wait, the higher the pH, so take care of it quickly. For poop, grab a bag and get that sucker in the trash ASAP.

#2. Use a neutralizer to combat the stink.

There are plenty of pet smell neutralizers on the market today. If you have a brand you like, keep some on hand so it’s ready to use as quickly as possible. However, you may already know that while these products can take the smell down a notch, typically the essence of pet urine may still linger. 

#3. If you have a carpet shampooer, give it a try.

After using a neutralizer, you may also try using an at-home shampooer, if you have one handy. It may also help remove some of the stink. Ultimately, though, if you 

#4. Consider the impact on your health of not cleaning it up properly. 

Sometimes it seems like no matter how much you clean it, that part of the carpet still isn’t back to normal. Should you just leave it? From a health perspective, anyone with asthma or allergies may have negative reactions, since what’s left in the carpet is a very concentrated amount of ammonia. Residual pet urine or feces can also cause bacteria or even mold. Depending on the severity, it has the potential to cause lung issues.  

#5. Think about what can lurk underneath the carpet if your pet poops or pees in the same spot again.

Pets will be pets, and even if you train them right they still may have an accident on the carpet. What tends to happen, too, is that pets pee or poop in the same spots over and over again. While you may take your time cleaning the spots every time, remember what is below your carpet—a carpet pad and subfloor. Especially with repeat offenses, the chance of residual urine or poop gets higher.

#6. Call a professional to clean AND sanitize properly.

Sometimes, DIY methods aren’t enough to remove pet stains and odors left in the carpet. Not only that, professionals can go a step further and sanitize the area. Commercial machines are designed to do the job that residential models can’t. But not all carpeting cleaning professionals are the same, so be sure the professional you choose has the options you need. 

The King Cleaning Services has a unique heating system to create the temperatures necessary to reach sanitation levels of 180 degrees and above. Its high powered, truck-mounted steam extraction process kills and extracts most germs, bacteria, and dust mites from your carpet fibers. To make it quick and easy, you can book The King online here. On the link, you’ll see the different carpeting cleaning options (including an odor treatment), as well as other options such as furniture cleaning.